Aging Gracefully & Beautifully Conference
Thursday Afternoon is the “Aging Gracefully & Beautifully” Conference for Seniors & Caregivers – hosted by Pastor Rodney Derrick, who has headed the G3 Ministries at Potter’s House of Dallas TX, and Dr. Kerry Fink, of Helping Seniors of Brevard.
In this session, Pastor Rodney Derrick and Dr. Kerry Fink talk about the role of Christ-followers as it pertains to Aging and Caregiving. The Conference includes “Power Sessions” from speakers on topics from Elder Law to Senior Living Options and from Caregiver Helps to Financing the Aging Plan – as well as an “Aging Beautifully” Discussion Panel composed of Space Coast area Senior experts.
Pastor Rodney Derrick is a Husband, Father, Conference Speaker, and, for many years, an Associate Pastor at The Potter’s House of Dallas Texas. There, he was integral to establishment of the G3 Living Life Ministry – the 50+ outreach of Bishop T.D. Jakes 30,000 member Mega Church. The G3 ministry serves the 3 Generations of adults 50+ who are an important part of the church community, offering special programs and educational outreaches to ensure success at every age.
Now, as the Senior Pastor of the Life Community Church of San Antonio TX, Pastor Derrick brings his decades of experience and his caring approach to encouraging ministries to understand and recognize the importance of honoring Seniors and understanding the sacrifice of the Caregivers who support them.
Pastor Rodney Derrick offers insight into success at Aging Gracefully & Successfully at any age.
Dr. Kerry Fink is a recognized expert in the Mature Market for 30+ years. He expanded the Music of Your Life Radio Network, serving a target market of Adults 50+, to reach more than 2,000,000 people week across more than 200 Radio Stations coast-to-coast. He worked closely with 50+ oriented Readers Digest’s publication “New Choices” and created the Modern Mature Market Radio sales network with collaboration with USA Radio Network and the Wall Street Journal Radio Network. He authored the marketing to the 50+ book “How to Get Your Unfair Share of a $3.6 trillion Market.” and has served on the Board of the Business Forum on Aging.
He has been a frequent conference speaker, giving 50+ Marketing Seminars, for organizations such as the Radio Advertising Bureau, the American Society on Aging, and the Business Forum on Aging. Locally, he serves as Media & Marketing Director for Helping Seniors of Brevard, the non-profit that operates Brevard County’s Senior Helpline. He also sits on the board of senior-focused non-profits Golden Providers and the Knowledge College for Aging, and sits on the Brevard Commission on Aging.