“3 Keys in getting to the next level”
“Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.” Stephen Covey
With enough education, talent and hard work most people are considered successful, depending on what standard you use in defining success. However, you can be a success in life without fulfilling the purpose for your life. Success in life is determined by four words: purpose, potential, promises and provision.
Great leaders stay on a constant learning curve focused on those four words. In your climb to success don’t forget to take your team along. Here are three keys for climbing the ladder of success, getting to the next level and fulfilling your destiny:
First, decide to change. Change begins with a made-up mind and a heart that will not accept defeat.
“If you decided to kick the person most responsible for your troubles, you would not be able to sit down for a week.” G. K. Chesterton
Change the way you think, you change the way you speak. Change the way you speak, you change the way you feel. Change the way you feel, you change the way you act. Change the way you act, you change the result.
Second, great expectations. Research shows there’s a greater connection between self-confidence and achievement than between I.Q. and achievement. How much more should confidence (trust) in God change our expectations. Even our U.S. coinage still carries, “In God We Trust.”
If Michelangelo had consulted his doubts and critics he would have painted the floor instead of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Never let your problems, or your critics determine your level of success because neither had anything to do with determining your success or destiny.
Third, keep practicing. Charlie Brown said to Linus; “Life is too much for me. I’ve been confused since I was born. I think the trouble is we’re thrown into life too soon.” Linus asked, “What do you want?” Charlie responds, “A chance to warm up.”
Practice what’s important for your success before the game. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding are fundamental for success in any field. In addition, half of getting to the next level is knowing what you have to give up to get there.
“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot
Jim wrote this in his diary, October 1949 as a student at Wheaton College just a few years before he and four companions were martyred as young missionaries in Equator in 1956.
What will you have to give up to get to your next level, to fulfill your purpose?