“The greatest leader who ever lived…still lives.”
Jesus, as a leader, was strong in at least three ways:
First, He mastered Himself. He knew who He was. He didn’t look back from the cross and say, “Wow, I must be the son of God.” You never master yourself until you master your tongue. Jesus always said powerful and confident words about Himself and others. You never build yourself, or others, by tearing yourself down.
Second, He mastered His relationships. Relational equity is critical for success for leading at any level. How you view a person is far more important than how you use them. He gave people around him a compelling vision larger than themselves and that would outlast their lifetime. He empowered His team by constantly asking, “What can I do for you?” Not here’s what you can do for Me.
Third, He mastered His actions. Great leaders have a bias for action. He came to serve His Father by establishing His Kingdom on this earth. He had a plan inspired by the Holy Spirit. He had the power, authority, and ability to do it alone, however, He formed a team of ordinary men and changed our world forever.
Jesus was the greatest leader because He mastered Himself, His relationships and His actions. You can do the same, He said you could, why not start today?
This Sunday is Easter, Resurrection Sunday. It’s the day the Savior of the world arose from grave and conquered sin for all mankind, the ultimate act of leadership!
Now, emboldened by the Spirit they spilled out of that upper room into the marketplace testifying of Christ’s resurrection and 3,000 souls were born again. Jesus’ disciples were never again fearful or hesitant but became as bold as lions. What a difference a day makes!
So it is in our lives often a day makes all the difference. A day, 24 little hours, passes allowing God time to work a miracle physically, emotionally and when needed, financially. Sadness and sorrow give way to joy; fear and anxieties vanish—all in one day. What a difference a day makes!
If today finds you with challenges beyond your ability to fix, give God another day. In 1 Peter 5:7 it says, “Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you.” When no one else seems to care keep your faith focused on Him and see what a difference it makes in your day!
Romance made the difference in the song Dinah Washington sang so long ago, but I wonder for how long? Trusting Jesus every day not only makes a difference for a day—it makes a difference for a lifetime and for all eternity.
Leader, you are not God, but your leadership does affect so many people every day. On their daily drive home, how do your team members reflect on the eight to ten hours they just invested in the effort you lead? Are they energized about showing up tomorrow, or do they wish they had somewhere else to go?