“Do you need to change lures on your vision-casting rod?”

Seasoned fishermen know you rarely catch a fish on the first cast or every cast. However, they never seem to tire of casting their lure until they hear those exciting words, “fish on!”

The same is true with great leaders. They never tire of casting the vision until those they lead are passionate, energized and see their personal connection to its fulfillment. Their leadership tackle box is full of “lures” and they change them often until they find the right one.

Here are five keys to help you cast your vision till you the words, “I see it.”

First, never stop focusing on the vision and casting it often. Avoid getting distracted by the details of its pursuit. Only then can you help your team understand their individual connection without compromising your core values.

Second, allow your team to help you in creating the final draft of “your” vision, or it never becomes “our” vision. When you do, the team is far more energized and engaged on a daily basis. When you don’t, you start experiencing most of your personnel problems.

Third, team members stay engaged and motivated when they clearly understand the vision. They believe what they do everyday matters and continually raise the level of expectations for their assignment. This only happens when the vision is clear, compelling and modeled by the leaders.

Fourth, your role as a leader is helping everyone on the team plan the route and consistently review the progress. Don’t leave anyone behind. Those who don’t keep up cause most of your problems and soon become “vision-drainers.”

Fifth, when leading your team; your primary role is inspiring emotional attachment by making the vision attractive and making success visible and attainable until it becomes the driving force behind everyone’s effort.

Successful vision casting and landing the “big one” means everyone knows their role, helps form the vision, participates in its regular review and celebrates every “win” along the way, big or small.

If you and your core leaders have made the vision clear and compelling, everyone who should be on your team remains committed to its fulfillment. If not, you should help them find a leader with a vision they can support with passion and energy.

Great leaders allow no room for lone rangers, laggers or silo builders. They inspire everyone to keep moving from just agreeing with the vision to aligning their daily efforts and attitude for its success.

Leaders, as long as you don’t get weary casting the vision, your team won’t get weary helping you make it happen.

Who on your team today seems to have lost their interest and energy for the vision? Could it be because they no longer see the vision being modeled by their leader? Could it be because they no longer see, or maybe never did see, their personal connection to its fulfillment?

When was the last time you changed lures?