“Seven keys for turning average team members into consistent winners”
First, see in others what they can’t see in themselves. Find ways to leverage their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. You can’t pull something out of person you don’t first see in them. Maximize what you want to see, not just what you see today.
Second, train and empower them to win consistently, not just compete. No one wins every time, but who wants to play a game when you seldom win. Win or lose help them value the take-a-way lessons.
Third, use mistakes and failures as opportunities for growing, not for quitting. Your mistakes teach you much more than your successes. Failures are simply opportunities for new beginnings.
Fourth, create and develop a “spirit of unity” that builds a culture of trust. Trust is the glue that holds a team together, and is also the lubricant that makes them flow together smoothly. When you catch the “spirit” of something, that unity takes over when the need arises without further discussion or debate.
Fifth, define present reality with brutal honesty and clarity. Balance that with being a hope-dealer for the future. Leaders who refuse to define present reality are not ready to lead anyone into the future, be it tomorrow, next year or in five years.
Sixth, teach them the art of persuasion. Without it, no matter how great your skill level, no one will follow. Persuasion is not manipulation, the fraudulent use of influence for personal gain.
Seventh, teach them to be comfortable in their own skin and confident in their own leadership style. God made them who they are, you help them fulfill their destiny. There is no one-size-fits-all leadership style.
You must see them as “A’s” and work backwards, not as “D’s” and try moving them forward. The first is inspirational and coaxing them to follow you. The second is pushing from behind, sometimes called motivation. The first energizes you and them, while the second burns you out and wears them out.
Average leaders lead average teams. Average leaders can take a great team, developed by a great leader, and make them average. History has proven, great leaders can take an average team and make them winners by simply raising their expectations.
“Men Wanted: For hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success.” From the book “Endurance.” By, Ernest Shackleton
Hundreds of men stood in line hoping to be selected for this life-threatening journey to find the South Pole. How many are standing in line to follow your leadership? People are tired of following average leaders at best, or worse, poor leaders who provide little, if any, personal development.