“God has called and gifted everyone for ministry, not a job”
In Exodus 31:1-5, the Lord said to Moses, “See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of craftsmanship.”
Bezalel was called by God to perform a most important work for Him. I am sure Bezalel believed that he was naturally gifted with his hands to make fine crafts with gold, silver and bronze. He probably did not associate his skill with God’s work. However, the Scripture tells us that God chose him and filled him with His Spirit to enable him.
Does God call men and women into marketplace ministries to fulfill His purposes? Are they there to fulfill what needs to be accomplished for the Kingdom throughout the world, or just to create revenue to support those with the “real” call to ministry?
How did that balance of interest among each human throughout the world happen? Did it just happen? Was it by chance that we have only so many doctors, only so many accountants, only so many geologists? Only so many carpenters, plumbers, and truck drivers? The list seems endless.
Marketplace minister, your interest in your vocation is not born of your own making. So many workplace believers (ministers) and even church leaders have made the mistake of encouraging those who have a deep desire to passionately serve Christ in the workplace to ”quit their job” and pursue vocational church ministry.
To remove them from the workplace where the greatest harvest is yet to occur would be to remove them from where God called them to serve. Marketplace minister, don’t take the bait. Serve the Lord in the workplace where He has gifted you, called you and His greatest anointing awaits you.
Church leader, don’t override the call of God in the marketplace ministers God has invested in your congregation. According to Ephesians 4, your call is to make sure they are providing a return on God’s investment of their lives in the marketplace.
If all the passionate ministers of the Gospel were called to the pulpit, who would be His warriors on the front lines? Who would be His ambassadors in foreign lands where the kingdom of darkness reigns? Who would provide prophetic impact where it’s needed most, the marketplace? Who would teach Kingdom principles to those struggling to find answers to life’s greatest problems? Who would provide the care so desperately needed by the broken and hurting? Who would share the light of the Gospel to those wandering around in the dark?
God’s people don’t have secular jobs. They have gifts and callings for which someday they will be called to account. It’s just as great as any other calling. Never let anyone diminish the task to which God has called you. God’s continued grace, anointing and favor depends on the spirit of excellence you give to that assignment.