“Are you committed or just interested?”
Someone once said, “The barrier to spiritual growth is not the lack of commitment, but the commitment to the wrong things.” When you confuse your priorities, you always end up at the wrong destination with results you did not anticipate at best, or worse, pain and heartache.
If there ever was a day Christians need commitment to Kingdom values for the spiritual battle for the days ahead, it’s during this hour when the battle for the very life of the Church in America rages. Here are eight commitments that will enable you to prevail:
First, commitment to Unity. Nothing will destroy the work of God quicker than offense and disunity. Every believer must passionately maintain the unity found only in the Godhead. You must pursue this unity with those above, beside, and below you. You must commit to following Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 18 for resolving any conflict that arises, and the enemy will make sure there are plenty.
Second, commitment to Giving. You cannot out give God, but love must always be your motive. Any other desire will leave you feeling empty at best, or worse, deeply disappointed. Mature believers exhibit a generous spirit in every area of life, not just with money.
Third, commitment to Serving. There is power in picking up the towel and basin and stooping to serve (Mark 10:45). Servant-leadership seems to be an outdated model. There should be no task or act of service “below you.” When it is time to move the piano, why does it seem that everyone wants to grab the bench?
Fourth, commitment to Growth. Growth in every area of life and ministry must be a lifetime pursuit. Your relationship with God and others, knowledge and practice of His Word, and the execution of your life call must remain a priority, never an option.
Fifth, commitment to Purity. God blesses where His reputation is safe. While I understand there is a broad range of opinions regarding Scripture and personal life decisions, we must constantly guard our hearts, especially where the Bible provides no “clear prohibition.”
Sixth, commitment to Discipleship. According to Scripture, discipleship is not an option. Disciples cannot be made from the pulpit or in groups, regardless of size. No believer should be so selfish as to experience the blessings and benefits of knowing our Creator and not share them. Rest assured, our enemy provides his disciples opportunities 24/7. Should we do no less?
Seventh, commitment to Family. There is a clear principle that runs throughout Scripture that teaches the family was the first “church,” and is still the lowest common denominator in His Kingdom. Lose your family and you lose your opportunity to influence the next generation.
Eighth, commitment to Self-Control. Titus 1:8 says, self-control is a mark of spiritual maturity and a fruit of the Spirit at work in your life. Every Christian is expected to control their emotions, thoughts, and actions in such a way that glorifies Christ. We must always conduct ourselves, “In a manner worthy of the calling with which we have been called” (Ephesians 4:1).
There is a big difference between being interested in something and being committed to accept nothing less than God’s intended best. When you are just interested, you only do it when it’s easy or convenient. When you’re committed, you accept no excuses, only making meaningful change and gaining positive results.